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Validación Certificado de Cumplimiento PCI DSS / Validation of PCI DSS Compliance Certificate

Nombre de la empresa
Company Name
  Juniper Consulting S.L. (Juniper)
Válido hasta (DD/MM/AAAA)
Valid until (DD/MM/AAAA)


Versión PCI DSS
PCI DSS version
Tipo de validación
Validation Type
 ROC (Report on Compliance)
Ámbito de Certificación
Scope of Certification

 Name of services assessed: Juniper PCI DSS Payment Gateway
 Type of services assessed: Payment Gateway/Switch
 Locations: Azure Datacenter East US 2 Region

Código del Certificado
Certificate Code


  1. This validation page indicates that the aforementioned company’s cardholder data environment has been validated against the PCI DSS.
  2. This validation page shall not warrant or guarantee to any third party that validated cardholder data environment is invulnerable to attack or compromise. Internet Security Auditors will not be liable to any third party in the event of loss or damage caused by any failure or breach in the validated cardholder data environment.
  3. The compliance certificate which is validated through this page has been issued by Internet Security Auditors and is not officially sanctioned by either the PCI SSC or any card scheme making up said body. The only documentation recognized for PCI DSS validation are the official AOC and RoC / SAQ documents and thereof, it is suggested requesting the AOC document along with this compliance certificate.